I'd say stiffer front springs would help. The ZQ8 bar is plenty big.
Great discussion guys. I'm having trouble finding a simple, universal splined setup that isn't meant for an oval track car. I did contact Addco about a custom tubular bar in 1.5". They make a 1.5" for the 4x4 and so maybe they can just use their 2wd bar as a template for the 1.5". I'll let you know and maybe even try to start a group buy if the price is reasonable. It would be a whopping step from 33 to 38 mm but I don't think they offer anything in between the 2 sizes.
As far as the sway bar, if you did a custom one you can't move it back at all unless you modified the steering linkage. The ZQ8 bar has barely any clearance with the idler arm as is. I'd be interested in seeing how a larger front bar would work out though. But it would likely actually be needed to moved ahead for idler arm clearance, and (depending on how it's shaped) limit the turning radius even more.
Maybe the rear bar would help limit some of the roll, I'll give it a shot. I worry about loss of traction on corner exits though, that's why I haven't been running it. I have poly bushings on my front bar, shortened end links, and have the poly end link bushings cut down to the bare minimum needed to allow some articulation. I couldn't figure out a u-joint end link because the mounts on my LCAs don't line up well with the sway bar ends.The splined circle track bars I've seen have a snubber on one side so the bar only controls roll in one direction. I'll continue the hunt.Great looking truck TacomaJPP. Looks like you're running fairly narrow tires - what size are they? I imagine that truck is quite a bit lighter than mine so maybe that also contributes to limiting roll. I'd be surprised if mine was less than 3400 lbs.