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Author Topic: New guy, 'weird' project :D  (Read 3802 times)

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New guy, 'weird' project :D
« on: February 03, 2017, 01:14:07 PM »
Hey found this forum a time or two looking up suspension ideas for my project, figured I'd actually sign up and stop being a filthy lurker hahaha

me? .. I'm a forcibly 'retired' (wcb/workers comp whatever it is around you) Autotech/fabricator of about 18years due to injury.  worked too hard for too long and my hands/arms don't work so well anymore ... blah blah end of sob story.  Currently going to back to college for Mechanical Engineering technologist (junior engineer) .. haven't decided if I'm gonna continue into full engineer right away or work in the field a bit first (got a couple years still to decide LOL )

the project, ... basically building a late 30's 5 window coupe .. with a back seat, from a bug body to start.  With a 3800 SII and 4L60E from a 97 camaro as the base driveline.  All going on an 87 s10 frame as a base.  Keeping the s10 firewall and floor (may see if I can snag a blazer floor section from behind the front seats back for the rest of the floor)

Originally I had intended to top swap the 3800 for a higher comp supercharged motor.. but I'm not sure anymore.  I may just do a relatively agressive N/A build and spray it on a progressive controlled kit for when the extra power is needed. 

Being built as a ratty rod, mostly cruising and playing on highways/backroads ... so more response and corner carving then straight line grunt. The track stuff locally is fairly lack luster availability wise ... some autoX.. some drifting, and really short drags (sub 1/8) ... they are talking about finally kicking off a proper track area with a real 1/4 and roadcourse ... but that's a few years down the road.

My lean towards the supercharged top swap was more to have a lumpy motor with a blower whine... I just don't think it would be worth it and I want to drive it a fair bit (close to daily status) and we get alot of wet weather

suspension wise (THis is where I will be 'harassing' you folks .. haha ) ... I'm going to 4 link the back, Gbody spec front bits... but I'm also going air...  doing shockwaves all around ... and at the very least updating to the newer blazer style brakes,

other then that... S10's sitting out front awaiting tear down.... should be taking delivery of the bug body in a few weeks... still need to arrange getting the front half of the donor camaro sitting in a buddies yard.

Re: New guy, 'weird' project :D

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Re: New guy, 'weird' project :D
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2017, 02:37:18 PM »
We need pics! sounds like a fun project
03 Sonoma ECSB, 4.3 auto, bolt-ons, xtreme80 tune, ZQ8 steering box, QA1 coilovers and rear shocks, UB Machine UCAs, Spohn LCAs, tall balljoints, ZO6 wheels, race seats.

Re: New guy, 'weird' project :D

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Re: New guy, 'weird' project :D
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2017, 03:05:43 PM »
there will be pictures... but at this time it's a rock stock 87 s10 sitting in my driveway awaiting surgery with a terminal clank in the transmission (possibly a broken flexplate, or as simple as loose converter bolts.. either way doesn't matter )

attached a couple pics.  the first is the S10, got it for free , well the friend that gave it to me just wants the bolt on body panels back, which is the only reason he bought it, was gonna scrap the frame/running gear/cab and guts anyways.

2nd pic is my inspiration, from the windshield to "back seat" it's still stock bug

my bug body(ies) .. I should be getting in a few weeks, front half of a 70 traditional ... back half of a 73 super. 

waiting for a welder to go on sale again.  order of operations are ... strip S10 to frame, cab floor/firewall .. get body positioned and mounted (don't know if I'll have to widen the body yet... trying to leave the s10 mounts stock, DOT regs in my area start getting uppity if you weld anything on the frame without certification)

then get the powertrain mounted/operational

then start on the suspension...

it's entirely possible this thing first hits the road with just the rock stock 3800/4l60e .. 2/3(maybe 4ish)  drop (updated to newer blazer spindles/hubs, and front 2 piston brakes) ... shake it all down and go from there.

while a little ambitious .. my current course ends in april, next course starts back up in september, even with going back to full time at work over that period its possible I'll have it "road worthy" over the summer


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