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Author Topic: The leaf spring thread:  (Read 32407 times)

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Re: The leaf spring thread:
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2014, 11:57:50 AM »
Given that the front section of the spring is longer, this has a much more profound effect on RC height.

pretty sure the short side is front of the axle on s-trucks?

also, why are you trying to raise the RC?

Sorry about that...was a long day :o. I meant to say the front section is shorter, and I raised the front spring eye to bring up the the IC not RC....what a herp derp post haha.

For those of you using stock springs, these are the sliders I used. http://www.speedwaymotors.com/Camaro-Leaf-Spring-Sliders,60313.html

The rear spring eye is 1.5"+.000/-.005 from my measurements (slightly oval). The camaro spring sliders have the necessary width (2.5") and height to accommodate the roughly 2" o.d. but come with a 1.625" bushing. I just turned them down to 1.505" and pressed them in with some '609' loctite.


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