Sorry, I had to steal a pic off this site. My son killed my flash drive with games. I lost all my porn and S-10 mod pics. You will see a mod that I routinely do. It improves the camber curve like the Guldstrand, but I build in a couple of other improvements. You will notice that the holes are shifted back to get the caster we want with far less shims, which can sometimes lock us into a camber number that we don't want. You will also see that the front hole has been moved downward 1/4" more than the rear has. This gets rid of some of the anti-dive properties of caster gain. Caster gain has a tendency to "de-wedge" the chassis and make it feel a little unsure when "dive bombing" a corner entry. So this will help.This works extremely well with long lower AND upper ball joints, and even better with the B-Body tall spindle swap. This will still not get us into appreciable neg camber gain, but it is the best we can get due to the curvature on the shaft mount. This is an impressive improvement over stock!
Well.... it was perfect until I went to steal a copy and saw that the file name was Guldstrand mod instead of Kenny mod.........
I have the holes drilled on my chassis, but it's still just sitting with no front suspension on it, the body in the air and the engine/tranny just bolted together for fitting.
Cool wish my math was strong,but it isn 't. Thanks for the info.